Monday, August 24, 2009

I Surrender Lord...

I Surrender Lord, Lord I Surrender Lord...

Oprah sand these lines on the Larry King Show. So stirring, these words are. As i sung these lines to myself while typing, i found my body gently swaying to its mellifluous lyrics.

As i find myself able to be frank here, presuming that no human shall ever read this; i would like to entertaining my ghost readers with stories of My God and me...

Today, My God is golu-molu and always wears Red. He is an All-Knowing, Super-Calm, Far-Sighted Genius! Last week, He took me to Ram Khand. Well, our entourage never really reached the actual spot, but at least, the edge. Good enough; considering that we hiked 9-10km uphill through little ponds and waterfalls, discovered an obscure but important fort of Shivaji's and went successfully where no civilized Mumbaikars have ever been before!!

It was mystical, it felt special; like a deserved entry into one of God's VIP farm-houses. Buffaloes bathing in muck, table-top tea fields thousands of metres up, the sweet flowing water in little water-falls, good-natured hearts and the aim of our trek; each contributed to the perfection of that moment.

5 and a half hours uphill and another 3 and a half down- it was perfect-exhausting of course, but perfect.

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