Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Coming World Part-I

[This is the first part of a series wherin I will muse, hope and wish about & for a New World. A World, which my guts tell me, is the Coming World.]

Why, at all, do we have fairy tales? Isn't it just completely unfair? When a beautiful child enters our world, we give it love and we take care of it, but we also feed her impression-less mind imaginary tales of Perfection in an obviously imperfect world.
Why, at all, even if in humour, do we play little jokes and pranks with (rather 'on') children? Foolishly, we corrode the natural trust and faith which blesses an innocent mind. A young mind is free, open, trusting and-most of all- loving.
Why not create an environment that fosters the retention [note: not 'development', 'retention'] of human character as it is-at the time of birth- perfectly as God Intends it to be.
A lovely place where Humanity blooms in hearts and minds. (Perhaps, the beginning of our new world from these pure individuals?)
Reading child-care books, hearing parental authorities talk, it is easy to note our attitude and approach to children. 'For the proper development of the child....So that the child grows up to be a better human being...etc'
It is presumptuous of us to think that young children need to be made into something, that their little hearts and minds aren't naturally perfect. After all, aren't babies the fastest learners? I, for one, tend to believe that if not the brain, but the rest of the little people comes in pretty good shape from high up above.

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